Tell me DWAC is being naked shorted without telling me its be naked(03)

Tell me DWAC is being naked shorted without telling me its be naked(03)

Image gallery: Dwac Shorted

DWAC is the most shorted SPAC! Get ready for 5x. r/DWAC_Stock DWAC is getting shorted. There’s no guarantee that there will be a Shorted almost 3 times the entire float in less than a week! r/DWAC_Stock Tell me DWAC is being naked shorted without telling me its be naked DWAC Stock The Most Obvious Short Is Not Even Close To Over Seeking Whitney Tilson (AKA The Fraud) has shorted (NASDAQDWAC). Every Picture A choice cut from DWAC stocks sub on a post where someone announced ALMOST FEEL SORRY FOR ALL THE LIBS THAT SHORTED... ALMOST🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 r/DWAC