Grisly crime surges into spotlight as Mexico shifts drug war strategy CNN(01)

Grisly crime surges into spotlight as Mexico shifts drug war strategy CNN(01)

Image gallery: Chainsaw Execution Cartel

'El Chapo' trial sees drug lord's texts with wife and 'wild beast Grisly crime surges into spotlight as Mexico shifts drug war strategy CNN Mexique les Zetas font irruption sur le territoire du cartel de 墨西哥130亿英镑“矮子”帝国被摧毁!新势力更可怕,杀人如麻_腾讯新闻 Cruelty of El Chapo's Sinaloa cartel knows no bounds Beheadings by Mexico's 'most dangerous cartel' warn rivals 'terror has arrived' after Vigilantes take over drug lord's mansion Mexico Releases U.S. Teen Who Killed For Drug Cartel Fox News