Installation of Vanderbilt, TDOT 'I24 MOTION' cameras nears completion(06)

Installation of Vanderbilt, TDOT 'I24 MOTION' cameras nears completion(06)

Image gallery: Tdot Cameras Nashville

Don't about the TDOT Smartway cameras. r/nashville TDOT Smartway cameras show ice hanging from them TDOT Smartway cameras show ice hanging from them TDOT Smartway Camera catches police pursuit Tuesday night YouTube TDOT I24/I75 interchange project to begin in 2019, last less than 3 Installation of Vanderbilt, TDOT 'I24 MOTION' cameras nears completion Installation of Vanderbilt, TDOT 'I24 MOTION' cameras nears completion TDOT Cameras See What They're Watching RealTime Traffic Insights!