Why is there a Harvard graduate on reddit? r/iamverysmart(04)

Why is there a Harvard graduate on reddit? r/iamverysmart(04)

Image gallery: Harvard Accepted Reddit

HARVARD ACCEPTANCE!!! r/gradadmissions Accepted to Harvard! r/ApplyingToCollege Friend of mine got accepted into Harvard. funny Ayo???? I just got accepted into Harvard 😭😭😭😭I can’t believe this is Why is there a Harvard graduate on reddit? r/iamverysmart Accepted to HARVARD but NEVER KISSED A GIRL r/RoastMe Best Reddit Persuasive Essay Accepted harvard essays reddit oMg! pErSonALizEd harVArd AcCEpTaNcE lETteR! thx a2c r/ApplyingToCollege