Dannion Brinkley has died three times — and lived to tell about it(02)

Dannion Brinkley has died three times — and lived to tell about it(02)

Image gallery: Dannion Brinkley Obituary

AB Dannion Brinkley NDE Near Death Experience 1998 I Was Hit by Lightning, Died 3 Times Dannion Brinkley Near Death Dannion Brinkley has died three times — and lived to tell about it After 3 neardeath experiences, this man’s mission is to comfort dying Exploring The Human Journey 70 Dannion Brinkley NDE! Dead and back 4 ITeam After 3 neardeath experiences, local man’s mission is to help ITeam After 3 neardeath experiences, local man’s mission is to help Dannion Brinkley Coast to Coast AM