Table 1 from The comparison of ketaminedexmedetomidine (ketadex) and(05)

Table 1 from The comparison of ketaminedexmedetomidine (ketadex) and(05)

Image gallery: Is Ketamine Stronger Than Propofol

SciELO Brasil Remifentanilketamine vs. propofolketamine for Propofol and ketamine increase lowand highfrequency power Comparison of Propofol and Ketamine with Sevoflurane for Laryngeal Mask Propofol and ketamine increase low and high frequency power Propofol and ketamine induce mitochondrial fragmentation and ketamine Table 1 from The comparison of ketaminedexmedetomidine (ketadex) and Ketamine and Propofol Vials Poster POKER Trial Summary Propofol or Ketofol for Procedural Sedation