Foster brooks was one of eight sons and the son of a lawman. Brooks dropped out of school after the 6th grade and did a. Brooks was born in louisville, kentucky, one of eight sons, whose father was a county sheriff.
Comedian Foster Brooks American Profile
Foster brooks, a comedian whose act as a lovable drunk made him a fixture on television and las vegas stages, died dec.
Foster brooks was an american actor and comedian best known for his portrayal of a lovable drunk in nightclub performances and television programs.
Getting his start in radio, brooks was a newscaster and disc jockey in louisville and buffalo bef. Getting his start in radio, brooks was a newscaster and disc jockey in louisville and buffalo before making the. Foster brooks's career started in. Foster brooks was an american actor and comedian best known for his portrayal of a lovable drunk in nightclub performances and television programs.
20 at his home in encino, calif.

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