How a Glass Bottle Collapsed a Nation The Đorđe Martinović Incident

Dorde Marjanovic Glass Bottle Razglednica ĐorĐe MarjanoviĆ

Was its violent demise inevitable? On may 1985, a serbian farmer received serious injuries due to a glass bottle inserted in his anus.

Thank you to @sirwigglebott0m for doing the mapping shown in the video, couldn’t have done it without him.some of the information in this video may be inaccu. Đorđe martinović was a serbian farmer from kosovo who was at the centre of a notorious incident in may 1985, when he was treated for injuries caused by the forceful insertion of a glass bottle. Sodeloval in zmagoval je na številnih festivalih zabavne glasbe od opatije do beograda, kot prvi pevec v nekdanji jugoslaviji pa je imel tudi klube oboževalcev.

How a Glass Bottle Collapsed a Nation The Đorđe Martinović Incident

His name became synonymous with resilience, absurdity,.

Rodio se u kučevu 30.oktobra 1931.godine.

He had suffered a great deal of blood loss from severe lacerations of the anus, and still had most of a broken glass bottle embedded in his rectum. According to a 1962 inquiry done by the magazine vjesnik u srijedu, the highest paid singers were đorđe marjanović, ivo robić and nada knežević, three of the most popular performers, with. Jedan od najpopularnijih pevača zabavne muzike jugoslavije ali i sovjetskog saveza je đorđe marjanović. His name became synonymous with resilience, absurdity,.

In local taverns, over glasses of rakija, people would toast to the man who brought a beer bottle to a political knife fight. In local taverns, over glasses of rakija, people would toast to the man who brought a beer bottle to a political knife fight. Sodeloval in zmagoval je na številnih festivalih zabavne glasbe od opatije do beograda, kot prvi pevec v nekdanji jugoslaviji pa je imel tudi klube oboževalcev. Đorđe marjanović, čovek koji je unikatnim scenskim ponašanjem postao ikona jugoslovenske muzičke scene, obeležio je jedno vreme i ostavio neizbrisiv trag u istoriji.

How a Glass Bottle Collapsed a Nation The Đorđe Martinović Incident
How a Glass Bottle Collapsed a Nation The Đorđe Martinović Incident


The đorđe martinović incident became a major factor to civil unrest in yugoslavia.

These are the only facts upon which.

Dorde incident Dorde Martinovie (also spelled Djordje Martinovic
Dorde incident Dorde Martinovie (also spelled Djordje Martinovic


Za posledicami covida19 umrl pevec Đorđe Marjanović Megafon
Za posledicami covida19 umrl pevec Đorđe Marjanović Megafon




El caso MartinovicDe cómo una botella de cristal influyó en la ruptura
El caso MartinovicDe cómo una botella de cristal influyó en la ruptura
