Administrative discretion is an informal unilateral practice and is therefore unprotected by the protections inherent in the structured. Administrative discretion refers to the authority granted to administrative agencies and officials to make decisions within the limits of their delegated powers. Administrative discretion is not an easy concept to grasp.
PPT PP500 Public Administration and Management PowerPoint
The discretionary power bestowed upon the.
Discretion is used by state administrators (executives) to resolve complex government situations while still paying attention to the public interest.
Discretionary authority enables agencies to fill in the gaps left by vague legislation, allowing them to tailor regulations to specific issues. Administrative law aims to establish a proper conduct for the administrative authorities to limit their discretionary powers from turning arbitrary. Discretion is used by state administrators (executives) to resolve complex government situations while still paying attention to the public interest. Phillip cooper defines administrative discretion as the “power of an administrator to make significant decisions that have the force of law, directly or indirectly, and that are not.
Administrative discretion allows agencies to use professional expertise and sound judgment when making decisions or performing official duties, as opposed to only adhering to. Discretionary power must be used reasonably, impartially and avoiding oppression or unnecessary injury. This means choosing one of many legally. Administrative discretion thus means the authority vested in the executive, the public officials who administer the government, to perform certain functions, make certain.

Generally, administrative agencies are given broad discretion to exercise.