More than 51,000 cubic yards of material will go into the teton pass permanent road repair, ogilive said. Jackson — state officials continue to scramble for a solution after a “ catastrophic failure ” of wyoming highway 22 over teton pass overnight friday washed away. Teton pass traffic updates reporting highway and road conditions with live interactive map including flow, delays, accidents, construction, closures,traffic jams and.
Wyoming highway collapse Massive landslide at Teton Pass road
— the wyoming department of transportation (wydot) has adjusted the timeline for a permanent rebuilding of the teton pass at milepost 12.8, where the big fill.
That means that 4.3 million bottles, which otherwise would have ended up.
A statement on wyo 22/teton pass from wydot director darin westby; The wyoming department of transportation has opened an interim detour through teton pass just three weeks after the big fill landslide severed the teton. Estimates indicate the local economy is losing $600,000. The agency warns that the roads.
During the pass closure the teton valley commuters were joining the star valley commuters at alpine resulting in thousands of vehicles congesting the snake river canyon. A steeper grade and sharper turns have some rethinking driving over teton pass between idaho. Teton pass information governor's council on impaired driving wyoming travel information service web cameras 5300 bishop blvd. Teton pass closure continues, repairs.

The “no unnecessary travel advisory” for jackson and teton county roads has been lifted by teton county emergency management.
Teton pass commuters have to navigate a steeper, curvier drive this winter. Highway 22 over teton pass between jackson, wyoming and victor, idaho collapsed during a massive landslide.