Has anyone taken comsae 111 for level 1??? Anyone got any advice on comsae 111b for level 1, taking it sometime this week. Remind yourself how much you’ve studied, and repeatedly.
(PDF) Meaningful use of COMSAE Phase 1 in preparation for COMLEXUSA
Don’t prepare specifically for the comsae.
But most importantly, have a better mindset heading into your comsae!
Hey everyone, i am taking comsa 111 for level 1 soon. These scores on comsae are 99% predictive of passing comlex. Any high yield topics to focus on beforehand? The schools do this to prevent people from taking and failing.
I've heard people say that 110 is much harder than 107 or 111, but i honestly felt that 110 played to my strengths a bit better whereas 111 felt very difficult to me. Does anyone have any tips or advice on how to tackle 111b? Comsae examinations taken under timed and proctored conditions can provide assistance in assessing readiness when put into the context of other markers of academic performance,. My school requires us to get a 460+ or push our rotations…

It is phenomenal for helping you remember those little details.
Comsae phase 1 and comsae phase 2 examinations contain 176 items, divided into four sections of 44 questions each.