I had a 7 shot gp100, 4.2. It shot 38's fine but stuck 357 magnum so bad i had to beat the brass out with a mallet. For context, he previously recently bought a new colt python with severe timing issues and a 686+ that has a.
Gun Test Ruger's New GP100 7Shot .357 Mag. Revolver The KVar Armory
Reading about a lot of problems with the 7 shot gp 100.357 magnum revolver.
Currently we are talking about how it's a known issue that ruger gp100 7 shot has an issue with within spec ammo fitting the cylinder, rendering the newest gp100 model a 3.
They were a little less difficult to remove from my sp101. The chambers are too close together and with certain brands of ammo the rims of the. I swore them off and i'll never buy another. In my 6 gp100 (1707) they were difficult to extract.
Many complaints about some ammo not fitting properly in 7 rounders. I think there were significant teething issues with. I have an older production 2 1/2 7 shot.357 gp100. However, like any firearm, it can experience.

I have a 7 shot gp 100, a 7 shot s&w 686, and an 8 shot ruger redhawk all in 357 mag.
I do not have a 7 shot gp100, but what i've heard second hand and anecdotally, is enough to make me leery. When loading the seventh round the case rims touch each other. The cylinder bound up, wouldn't eject spent cases or close. I have blued 5 gp100, full lug.357, 6 round.
There's been multiple threads on the ruger forum about problems. I didn't have to beat them out but it took extra pushing. Unfortunately, that issue will never be fixed. Early models had the potential to have the cartridge cases bind up in the cylinder.

My brother recently got a 4 blued 7 shot ruger gp100 in.357 magnum.
I returned it on a factory shipping label and ruger is replacing it with a new. Ruger claims to have fixed the problem, but won't say. All 3 guns are strongly made and have been excellent shooters.