What is a passing mbe score? However, a score of 280 is generally considered to be a good score, and a score of 300 to 330 (highest score on bar exam) is considered to be excellent. What is a good score for mbe?
How to Interpret Your Uniform Bar Exam Score Report
What is the mbe score for 270?
The mbe portion of the bar exam is significant to your overall score in almost all.
Ideally, you should want a 150+ scaled score to have confidence to pass. What is a good mbe raw score on the bar exam? A passing mbe score depends on the jurisdiction in which you are taking the bar exam. What is a good score on practice mbe?
What is a good practice mbe score? Most bar takers fall right in the middle on the bar exam curve, within a few points of each other. A “perfect” score on the mbe would be the top score of 200. Raw score, converted score, and percentile.

What is a good score for mbe?
Your mbe results may be presented in three ways: The average mbe score for this administration was 141.8, which is higher by about 1.3 points than the average score in july 2023 (140.5). Gastrointestinal bleeding is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality among emergency unit patients. We suggest aiming for at least 60%.
What is a good score on the barbri simulated mbe?