And there is with regard to them no charge of nonvirginity. Since they were married, even if they did not engage in intercourse with their husband, their presumptive status. Rav yehuda said that rav said:
Ketubot 11b10
The shulchan aruch (even haezer 67:4) follows the ruling of tosafot, ketubot 11b, who explain that this law applies only when the woman's hymen remains intact despite these relations.
The talmud is the encyclopedia of jewish life.
The section begins in ketubot 11a which states “these are the cases of young women for whom there is a fine paid to their fathers by one who rapes them”. A woman proselyte, a woman captive and a woman slave, who have been redeemed, converted, or freed [when they. Ketubot is the second tractate in seder nashim (“order of women,” which addresses family law). Its thirteen chapters primarily discuss the ketubah (marriage contract) and obligations between.
A female proselyte, a woman captive and a woman slave, who have been redeemed, converted, or freed [when they were] more than three years and one day old — their kethubah is a. Here, you are getting access to tractate ketuvot on page 11 (a and b) of the babylonian talmud. 14, 2025 | shevat 16, 5785 this week's torah reading is yitro upcoming holiday is purim | mar. The gemara ketubot is the study of the different marital responsibilities, especially those concerning the marriage contract, in hebrew ketubah.

And they are not subject to a claim concerning their virginity.
It provides clarification of most of the matters that constitute the relationship between husband and wife: The ketubot tractate is a gemara which. Ketubot is the central tractate in the order of nashim. The tractate is named for the marriage contract that states.
A minor boy who engaged in intercourse with an adult woman renders her as one whose hymen was ruptured by wood, as the act is not considered. Rav huna permits a rabbinic court to step in and act on behalf of the minor and give consent on their behalf for immersion in a ritual bath, one of the rabbinic requirements for conversion. If they are less than 3 years old they did not have intercourse or relations or any of those fancy words she was raped and the man who did it should be in jail. Help bring more light into the world.