This would admit to baptism, but not full communion, weakening the distinction between the elect and the others. Classical congregationalism had barely been hatched when its demise began. ⚫ puritan preachers began using the “jeremiad”, or strong calls to.
Congregational HalfWay Covenant Bradford UCC
This new arrangement modified the covenant, or the agreement between the.
The covenant allowed them to.
Could baptize their kids but could not participate in communion or have. What happened in the early 1690s? What followed after the claims. A new arrangement that modified the original covenant to admit to baptism, but not the full communion, the children of already baptized but not yet converted.
Though the covenant softened the rigid guidelines. The puritan half way covenant was a religious compromise established in the 1660s that allowed the children of baptized but unconverted church members to be baptized. A modification in the cambridge platform in 1662 that enabled people who had not experienced the conversion relation to become part of the congregation.