As the crust pulls apart, it. There are three types of plate movements: At divergent boundaries, a specific type of basin forms known as a rift basin.
Divergent Boundaries Tectonics Website
Basins form primarily in convergent, divergent and transform settings.
Convergent boundaries (or active margins) occur where two plates slide towards each other commonly forming either.
At divergent boundaries, sometimes called constructive boundaries, lithospheric plates move away from each other. Convergent boundaries create foreland basins through tectonic compression of oceanic and continental. At divergent boundaries, rift basins are formed. Plates that push on each other as they slide in opposite directions form what are called.
Several types of basins develop in different tectonic situations, each bearing the distinctive signatures of the conditions under which it originated. At divergent boundaries, a type of basin known as a rift basin typically forms. There are two main types of rifts: These occur when tectonic plates move away from each other, causing the crust to stretch and thin.

At divergent boundaries, we typically observe the formation of rift basins.
Divergent boundaries form rift basins, which are depressions created as tectonic plates move apart. There are two types of divergent boundaries,. This occurs when tectonic plates move apart, leading to the potential creation of a rift valley. These basins develop when tectonic plates move apart, causing the continental or oceanic lithosphere to extend and.
These rifts can be classified into narrow and broad types, with notable examples such as the east african rift. Narrow and broad, with examples including the east. These basins are created as tectonic plates move apart, causing the crust to thin and create a depression or valley. Once continental lithosphere has thinned and become mafic, upwelling magma begins to produce new oceanic lithosphere and a narrow ocean basin forms between the rifted continents (review.

The type of basin that forms at divergent boundaries is called a rift basin.
These basins occur due to tectonic plates moving apart, resulting in significant geological features. A rift basin forms at divergent plate boundaries.