If you launch a ubisoft game through steam with the wrong ubisoft account, you may see an ownership authentication error. Learn why you may encounter the authenticating ownership error in rainbow six siege and how to fix it. To do anything else with it, you need to contact ubisoft.
How To Fix “There Was A Problem Authenticating The Ownership Of This
As much as i scour online, i can't seem to find anyone with a.
Learn how to fix this issue by logging out and in again with the.
However, some players are finding that ubisoft connect will encounter a problem authenticating ownership of certain games. The error can be caused by connectivity, game files, ubisoft account,. This is a common error, and one that happens to have a fairly. If you don't know which one that is, you have to contact support.
To resolve this issue, log out of ubisoft connect pc and log in again with the ubisoft account your game has been activated on before launching the game again through. This issue will often arise if the ubisoft account you are logged into is not the one that is linked. This concise guide provides effective solutions to vanquish th. To resolve it, you need to log into the correct ubisoft account.

Find solutions for authentication errors when launching ubisoft games on pc, including troubleshooting steps and support.
A user asks how to fix the error there was a problem authenticating the ownership of this product when trying to link their old ps4 account to their steam account. Please note that when you launch some older ubisoft. Although they purchased their games via their steam accounts, the error message there was a problem authenticating the ownership of this product prompts when you try to. You can only relink an unlinked ubisoft account with the same account it was originally linked to.
Frustrated by ubisoft's there was a problem authenticating. error? Discover how to resolve the ownership authentication error in ubisoft connect pc when launching games through steam with our helpful guide. If you launch a ubisoft game through steam while logged into the wrong ubisoft account, you may receive there was a problem authenticating the ownership of this product. To resolve this issue, please log in to ubisoft connect pc with the ubisoft account you originally activated the game on.