To complete the sentence mis padres_ aman, the correct choice is me which translates to me in english. Since 'mis padres' is plural (referring to more than one parent), we need to use the plural form of the. Mis padres aman a sus hijos.
Carta a mis padres
La oración mis padres aman ___ se puede completar de varias maneras dependiendo de lo que quieras expresar.
To complete the sentence 'mis padres _____ aman,' the correct word is 'me,' resulting in 'mis padres me aman,' which means 'my parents love me.' this reflects the subject.
Therefore, the best spanish word to complete the sentence mis padres aman is ellos. Mis padres aman a mí. Me i hope i helped you! Study with quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like nosotros _____ damos un oso de peluche a mónica., yo _____ doy bloques a los niños., mis padres _____ dan un gato a.
Study with quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like (indirect conjugations), (direct conjugations), (reflexive conjugations) and more. Completa las oraciones usando las palabras indefinidas (indefinite) y negativas de la lista. Ellos me cantan una canción a mí. Study with quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like me, te, lo and more.

The best spanish word to complete the sentence mis padres ___ aman is ellos, meaning they. this option fits grammatically since it represents my parents as the subject.
This is the appropriate word to indicate that the parents love the speaker Él les compra libros (a sus hijos) en la plaza de armas. The subject of the sentence is 'mis padres', which translates to 'my parents'.