King of the spanish habsburg dynasty and sovereign of the overseas spanish empire, charles ii of spain, was physically disabled, disfigured, mentally retarded, and he. The habsburg dynasty of spain was characterised by marked inbreeding, and the male line died out with carlos ii. Professor alice roberts couldn’t help but ‘feel sorry’ for the agonising final days of king charles ii when researching his death for her new series royal autopsy.
Charles II of Spain was short, lame, epileptic, senile and bald before
After his death, just short of his fortieth birthday, a rudimentary autopsy was performed, with the following results:
The latter was not unheard of in the spanish habsburg line, philip ii's son don carlos suffered from mood swings and carlos i's mother juana too evinced erratic behavior.
This episode is called “the cursed” and it’s about the mysterious death of charles ii of spain, “el hechizado,” the last of the spanish hapsburgs, whose autopsy famously. King of the spanish habsburg dynasty and sovereign of the overseas spanish empire, charles ii of spain, was physically disabled, disfigured, mentally retarded, and he. Just a few days prior to his thirty ninth birthday, charles passed away quietly at his home, leaving no heir to take his place and plunging spain into the war of succession. Various diagnoses have been proffered to explain carlos ii’s.