Bureau stands for both an office or a desk. Find all translations of bureau in english like office, bureau, desk and many others. Is bureau, as in 'statistics bureau of zaire' masculine or feminine???
Change the gender। Masculine Feminine। Feminine gender। Masculine
The french word bureau is masculine.
The choice between “bureaus” and “bureaux” can be guided by.
Bureau is a masculine noun in french that means office or desk. Le bureau est juste à côté de la salle à manger. This means you would use masculine articles and adjectives with it. The office is right next to the dining room.
Bureau comes from french, and bureaux is the original french plural noun form. ↔ our office is on the northern side of the. For example, the word for desk, 'le bureau,' is masculine because it is preceded by the masculine article 'le.' on the other hand, the word for chair, 'la chaise,' is feminine because it is preceded. Learn the definition, etymology, usage, and expressions of bureau with examples and ai fun facts.

A desk (masculine singular article) le.
“bureaus” in american english and “bureaux” in british english. The plural of bureau is bureaux or bureaus. Mon bureau n’est pas loin d’ici. Notre bureau est du côté nord de l'immeuble.
The word “bureau” has two correct plurals: