Bind a grid to a datatable via code. As for the databinding / beforeperformdataselect event. I've examined it and found that the issue occurs because you're binding the grid to data only on the first page load.
tìm hiểu control ASPxGridView trong devexpress phần 1. Lập trình
For other editors, you do not need the databind method at all as the aspxgridview binds the editors automatically.
As you read on the examples on the hows on aspxgridview provided by the devexpress team, you will notice that they provide only a simple direct binding which is via.
Indeed, it is called multiple times and it is impossible to fix it : To solve the problem, we recommend you bind the grid in the event handler. It is difficult to determine the cause of the issue without reviewing your sample project. Please provide us with a sample working project (containing only the problematic.
Refer to the following example for more information: Please note that aspxgridview should be bound to data after. For the aspxgridview as a container: The linqservermodedatasource.onselecting is firing on page load which i do not want to happen,.

In this example, the grid's databinding event handler assigns a programmatically created datatable object to the grid's datasource property.
The information provided on and affiliated web properties (including the devexpress support center) is provided as is without warranty of. The first time data binding is called when the. To persist the object between databinding. I hope it will be helpful.
System.web.ui.webcontrols.boundfield does not have a databinding event. I recommend you remove the databind method calls and use the aspxgridview.beforeperformdataselect event handler to set data for your grids. Alternatively, you can enable row cache. Please refer to the kb article.
Bind grid view to data at runtime.
I have a page that has a aspxgridview and a linqservermodedatasource. 73 rows enables you to provide custom display text for a preview row.